Archday 2020 is an annual event organized by the Architecture study program, Faculty of Engineering, Lambung Mangkurat University. One of the aims of this Archday activity is as a step in promoting and at the same time introducing the architecture study program to the public, especially third year high school students. The Archday series this time is actually the same as previous years, only there are slight changes to the system for carrying out activities, namely online, because in the midst of the current pandemic situation it is not possible to carry it out face to face/offline to prevent further spread of infection. Therefore, the series of activities carried out will certainly adapt to current conditions. The concept promoted this time is "Adapt, Recover & Overcome" which means restoring the situation in the midst of a pandemic. From the definition of the theme and concept, it can be explained how the role of the architectural study program will be in helping to prevent Covid-19, while still making a contribution to society. This Archday series has 3 activity targets, namely Webinar, exhibition installation and community service. Each activity has been planned well in advance so that preparations for implementation are better coordinated (HIMARS)