Following up on the Announcement of the Chancellor of Lambung Mangkurat University Number 2736/UN8/SP/2021 dated 25 June 2021 regarding student re-registration for the odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year, this is conveyed with special respect to student recipients of scholarships as follows:
1. KIP Lectures On going;
2. Disabled Student Scholarship;
3. Affirmation of DIKTI;
4. Baznas;
6. Maming Foundation Scholarship;
7. South Kalimantan Provincial Government Specializes in Medical Education Study Program.
The application process for printing UKT slips via SIMARI uses the student's academic portal account starting from 12 to 26 July 2021, (The letter can be downloaded at the link).
For students who request to print UKT slips outside the schedule specified above, an additional application requirement is to upload a certificate of late receipt of slips issued by the student affairs department of the faculty.
So thank you for your attention and cooperation