Wednesday, June 19 2024, at the FT ULM Leadership Meeting Room, a socialization activity for the FT ITU KEREN Work Culture was carried out to support the Green Campus Program at the Faculty of Engineering, Lambung Mangkurat University, which is the title of the Action Plan for Changes to the Head of the General Section of FT ULM (Diana Handayani, S.Hut, M. Hut.). Action for Change is an assignment for the Administrator Leadership Training (PKA) carried out by the Kemdikbudristek Employee Education and Training Center. This activity was attended by the Dean of FT ULM, Mr. Prof. Dr. Ir. Iphan Fitrian Radam, ST., MT., IPU., Deputy Deans, Chair of UPM, and Study Program Coordinators within the ULM Faculty of Engineering. Acting as Mentor in this activity was Ir. Nurhakim, ST, MT who is the Deputy Dean for Finance and General Affairs.

Wasaka's character is the inspiration for the 'FT IS COOL' work culture. This motto reflects the spirit of never giving up, consistency, strong determination in facing challenges and working until completion. It is hoped that this character will become the basis of work culture at the Faculty of Engineering, Lambung Mangkurat University, encouraging the academic community to continue to progress and develop.

The integration of the Wasaka Character with the 7 core values of FT ITU KEREN (Informative, Directed, Excellent, Creative, Educative, Religious, and Religious) which is carried out in a directed and continuous manner will become a Work Culture and create an academic environment for FT ULM that supports the development of human resources that superior and of noble character.

A positive work culture builds team synergy in an effort to realize and accelerate work programs planned by the institution, one of which is the Green Campus Program at the Faculty of Engineering.

So far, the Green Campus Program at FT ULM has been implemented partially, but has not been implemented optimally and measurably in the form of control documents, activities have not been equipped with regulations, quality standards, monitoring and evaluation).
The success of a green campus is not only marked by physical achievements but more by changes in attitude and mindset towards the environment. For this reason, fundamental changes need to be made in the attitudes and mindset of the entire academic community