icsbe1 ICSBE (Sustainable Built Environment) the fifth with a theme Management of Changes for Livable Environment  implemented in Banjarmasin through collaboration between Lambung Mangkurat University and the Islamic University of Indonesia as well as with several universities and research institutions from abroad. The activity was attended by the Mayor of Banjarmasin Ibnu Sina, M.Si who was also a speaker at this seminar, the Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation and Public Relations at ULM Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Yudi Firmanul Arifin, M.Sc, Deputy Chancellor for Networking & Entrepreneurship at UII Ir. Wiryono Raharjo, M.Arch., Ph.D, Dean of the ULM Faculty of Engineering, as well as speakers and participants from 8 countries, namely America, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Iraq.

icsbe2This international seminar is the 5th implementation after it was first held in May 2010 in Yogyakarta, with the theme Enhancing Disaster Prevention and Mitigation. The International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE) is intended to provide a forum as a place to exchange ideas, knowledge and disseminate information regarding studies and research on built-environment design in various parts of the world. This conference also aims to improve relations between regions and countries in the academic, professional and policy-making fields regarding the management of built-environment design. Deputy Chancellor IV ULM Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Yudi Firmanul Arifin, M.Sc said that the output obtained from this forum is how to produce a comfortable environment for living, or what is usually called Livable Environment. Environmental management such as in Banjarmasin City really requires input from various groups to pay attention to environmental management in carrying out development so that it can become a sustainable or sustainable.