The Archday Series-1 Webinar activity was held on August 13 2020 from 13.30-16.10 WITA with material presented by Mr. Ir. Khusnul Khatimi ST, MT, IPM followed by the BIM FT ULM Team with the theme "Adapting to the Digital Era with BIM". The event went smoothly from the first session which contained remarks by the chief executive, head of the architecture association, and was opened by the Deputy Dean III for Student & Alumni Affairs, Romla Noor Hakim ST, MT. The webinar was attended by 97 participants from different universities. With a duration of approximately 2 hours 7 minutes, the event ran smoothly even though there were several obstacles, such as poor signal/network problems, both from the participants and the moderator. However, overall it went according to the agenda. Thank you (HIMARS).