A good work culture can improve
productivity, improve quality
services, and ensure compliance
to policies and procedures

Work culture refers to the values, norms, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that are shared by members of an organization. It includes how people interact with each other, how decisions are made, how problems are solved, and how success is measured. Work culture too REFLECTS A UNIQUE IDENTITY an organization and can influence performance, innovation, satisfaction of organizational members, and response to change (adaptive). With a good understanding of work culture, management can shape a healthy organizational environment, support organizational growth, and create competitive advantages.

The work culture of the Faculty of Engineering 'IT'S COOL' is based on and inspired by the character of Wasaka, whose motto is 'Waja Until Ka Puting'. The Wasaka character is a life philosophy originating from South Kalimantan culture. This motto reflects the spirit of never giving up, being consistent, strong determination in facing challenges and working until completion.

At the Faculty of Engineering, Lambung Mangkurat University, the initiative to create a 'FT IS COOL' work culture aims to building a spirit of togetherness and pride in the FT ULM campus. The work culture of the Faculty of Engineering 'IT'S COOL' which reflects the unique identity of the Faculty of Engineering, Lambung Mangkurat University is a strong behavioral guideline in building a positive and productive organizational environment. The 'IT'S COOL' principle strengthens the spirit of hard work, innovation and integrity in every task and activity. 

The Faculty of Engineering's 'IT'S COOL' work culture consists of 7 (seven) basic values:

  • Informative
  • Directional
  • Superior
  • Creative
  • Educative
  • REligious
  • amaNah

Informativeness is the first pillar that ensures that all information is conveyed clearly and accurately, creating a transparent and efficient work environment.

The strength of a team lies in its success in carrying out a shared vision and mission. Direction is the key in ensuring that every step taken is aligned with common goals. In addition, the value of Excellence encourages each individual to always achieve the best and not be satisfied with just mediocre results.

Creativity is the key to facing challenges and solving problems in a creative and innovative way. This book also emphasizes the importance of educational values which not only provide understanding, but also inspire to continue learning and developing. Happy reading and let's create a religious and trustworthy work culture in the Faculty of Engineering for the sake of a bright, superior and noble future.


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