On Saturday-Sunday, April 2-3 2016, CROSS-COUNTRY and OUTBOND SESSIONS were held in the context of LKMM-TD 2016 #FTUnlam . This activity was held at the 623rd Infantry Battalion Command Headquarters / Bhakti Wira Utama (Mako Yonif 623/BWU) in the Sungai Ulin area, Banjarbaru. Acting as the inspector for the opening ceremony of the Cross-Country and Outbound sessions was Mr Lektol (Inf) Nur Rochman Zen (Commander of YONIF 523/BWU). This ceremony was attended directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr-Ing. Yulian Firmana Arifin and the three Deputy Deans, namely Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Chairul Irawan, PhD, Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance Maya Amalia, M.Eng and Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni Nurhakim, MT.
Some of the material provided in this session includes national defense and introduction to weapons, cross-field crossings, and various games which aim to form an independent spirit as well as being able to work together in a team (team-work).
Before the end of the Cross-Country and Outbound sessions, participants also received a briefing delivered by the Commander of Kodim 1006/MTP, namely Mr. Lt. Col. (Inf) Andi M. On this occasion, Dandim 1006 delivered material on leadership, discipline, accuracy and closed with a story of transformation. eagle.
This activity was finally officially closed after the Dean of the Engineering Faculty handed over souvenirs to DanYon 623 and Dandim 1006, as well as the release of participants' tokens.