ULM's Professional Engineer Education (PPI) has been accredited B (2019 to 2024) which is one of 12 accredited PSPPIs in Indonesia (UGM (B,C), ITB (B), UMI (B), Undip (B), Unibraw (C), ULM (B), Petra (C), USU (C), Binus (C), Udayana (C), Atmajaya (C)).
There are 2 lecture paths:

  1. Regular pathway, for Bachelor of Engineering/Applied Bachelor/Bachelor of Engineering Education/Bachelor of Science/D4 Engineering who has at least 2 years of engineering experience, this pathway is 2 semesters of study, Semester 1: theory course (6 credits), Semester 2: internship/practical engineering (18 credits).

This Regular Pathway requires a Bachelor of Engineering/Applied Bachelor/Bachelor of Engineering Education/Bachelor of Science/D4 Engineering who has worked in the engineering field, so the place of work is also the place of internship.

  1. Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) pathway, for Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Applied Engineering/Bachelor of Engineering Education/Bachelor of Science/D4 Engineering who has experience of more than 2 years, and has had engineering work experience.

The RPL pathway is a recognition program for previous learning experiences and engineering work practices so that it can be equivalent to 24 credits. The RPL route is only 1 semester and no lectures.

Requirements for joining PS-PPI ULM:

  1. The conditions can be read on the PS-PPI ULM Poster
  2. Must fill out the Registration Form and FAIR (softfile available).
  3. Must take part in the Entrance Selection Interview by bringing FAIR and supporting documents.

RPL course activities for those who pass the entrance selection:

  1. Must attend the inaugural lecture regarding the lecture system, guidelines for writing scientific articles, and explanations for filling out the Engineer Application Form (FAIR)
  2. Fill in personal data online at SIMARI (to get KTM)
  3. The guidance process for filling out FAIR is 1 month and collected in 3 copies—(can provide assistance, via WA group, and email)
  4. The process of creating a Written Work bulletin containing experiences during engineering practice, max 4 pages—(there is a guide to the writing format and guidance process and can be assisted via WA group, and email)
  5. Must take part in the RPL Test Interview with at least 3 examiners (FAIR required)
  6. Announcement of whether you have passed the Full RPL or partial RPL pathway.
  7. Must attend Student Writing Bulletin Seminar—(students as presenters and participants)
  8. Registration for online graduation (requires input of data and title of written work created in step 4)
  9. It is mandatory to take the Engineer Professional Inauguration (Engineer professional oath) and graduates will receive an Engineer Professional Diploma/Certificate (SPI).

ULM PS-PPI output:

  1. Engineer degree and diploma/Professional Engineer Certificate which is valid for life —-SPI (Professional Engineer Certificate) issued by ULM College.
  2. Graduates will be assisted in registering as PII members and getting a PII Membership Identification Card (KTA) with the name and title of engineer.
  3. Draft FAIP for requirements for taking the Professional Engineer Certification competency test by PII.
  4. Assisted with arrangements to take part in the Professional Engineer Certification Workshop at PII.
  5. Assisted in submitting FAIP to LSKI PII up to the competency test process with the output of SIP (Professional Engineer Certificate) / SKI (Engineer Competency Certificate).
  6. Helped to get STRI — (STRI requirements: SPI, KTA, and SKI).


  • FAIR: Engineer Application Form containing experience during engineering practice, from FAIR will be converted into course grades.
  • STRI: Engineer Registration Certificate which is an engineer's practice permit in engineering work which is valid for 5 years, issued by PII (Indonesian Engineers Association), which will be extended based on the PKB/CPD report every 1 year
  • FAIP: Professional Engineer Application Form, Professional Engineer Certification document for PII competency test
  • LSKI: Engineer Competency Certification Institute (LSP formed by Central PII)
  • PS-PPI ULM lecturers have IPM qualifications = 25 people. , IPU= 15 people. and ASEAN Eng. = 6 people.

Tuition fees at PSPPI ULM:

  • RPL course:
    Registration fee: Rp. 500,000
    SPP: Rp. 6,000,000/smter (taken only 1 semester)
  • Regular Pathway Lectures:
    Registration fee: Rp. 500,000
    SPP: Rp. 6,000,000/smter (taken 2 semesters)
    Especially for this regular route, you will get incentives at the end of the semester if you actively attend lectures. The maximum amount is IDR. 3,000,000,-

    The cost of appointing an engineer is borne and managed by the student

For students who have graduated as engineers who want to continue taking Professional Engineering and STRI at PII, the cost of the competency test at PII (pay to PII):

  • PII Membership Card: Rp. 400,000
  • IPP Certificate: Rp.1,100,000
    -IPM Certificate: Rp.1,650,000
    -IPU Certificate: Rp.2,200,000
  • STRI: Rp. 500,000
  • If you meet the minimum IPM, there will be an interview at the central PII at the expense of the proposer.