Based on the results of the assessment and decisions of the jury, the committee hereby announces the winners of the National Essay Competition with the theme "Innovation to Maximize Resources in Waste Management" as follows:
*Student Category*
1. M. Wahyu Arif – Yogyakarta State University
2. M. Nuirul Fajri – University of Lampung
3. Iin Nadiroh – Banjarmasin State Polytechnic

*High school category*
1. Shan Nea – Regina Pacis High School
2. Ni Putu Sri – SMAN 2 Almapura
3. Ahmad Irianto – SMAN 1 Jayapura

We as the committee would like to thank the participants who have participated. For those who haven't won, don't be discouraged and keep working. Hopefully the resulting works will be useful for all of us. GREETINGS LESTARI!!!