Dear. Student/i
Faculty of Engineering

In accordance with the Decree of the Chancellor of Lambung Mangkurat University Number 1007/UN8/SP/2021 dated 21 May 2021 concerning the 2021/20222 Academic Calendar, the Dean conveys the implementation of the 2021/2022 Odd Semester Lecture Activities as follows:

  1. Lectures are carried out online via LMS (IE ULM portal).
  2. The lecture schedule can be seen at the following link: (using the account
  3. Lecture Time:
    a. Student implementation date 9 August 2021 to 3 December 2021.
    b. New students (class of 2021) implementation date 16 August 2021 to 10 December 2021

Thus we convey this notification so that it can be implemented, we thank you for your attention and cooperation.