Yours faithfully,
In accordance with the Decree of the Chancellor of Lambung Mangkurat University Number 560/UN8/SP/2022 dated 18 May 2022 concerning the 2022/2023 Academic Calendar, we need to convey the lecture plans for the Odd Semester of the 2022/2023 Academic Year within the Faculty of Engineering, Lambung Mangkurat University as follows: following:
1. Lectures will be held from 22 August to 16 December 2022.
2. Guardianship/filling in KRS starts August 8 to August 19 2022.
For Mr/Mrs Academic Supervisors for students entering semester 5, you can first study the MBKM FT Guidelines and respective Study Programs at the following link: especially to guide students who will carry out the MBKM program in the Odd Semester 2022/2023.
3. Implementation of Lecture and Practicum Activities for the Odd Semester 2022/2023 follows the following provisions:
a. Lectures and practicums are carried out FULL OFFLINE in accordance with the letter of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs No 2086/UN8/DT.00.01/2022 dated 15 July 2022.
b. Class capacity 100% with implementation of health protocols (masks, hand sanitizer and sick students must not attend with parental permission).
c. ONLINE learning is only permitted for a maximum of 30% from lecture sessions (equivalent to 4 meetings) and must be carried out synchronously.
d. For lecturers who carry out Synchronous online learning, a Google Meet class link will be provided by the FT Academic section.
e. Presence of lecturers' teaching attendance at the Banjarbaru/Banjarmasin campus/Post Banjarbaru Building (offline) must use the finger print available at ULT Academic.
f. Student attendance for both online and offline lectures must use SIMARI which is opened by each lecturer during lectures.
4. Lecture schedule as in the following link: ScheduleFT2022-1 (access the schedule using
5. If there is a change in policy from the government or ULM leadership, it will be readjusted and communicated later.

Thus conveyed, we thank you for your attention and cooperation.

If there are things that are unclear, you can ask via the Ask FT service via