Dear. Lecturers, educational staff, and students
Faculty of Engineering, Lambung Mangkurat University
Yours faithfully,
Following up on the Circular Letter of the Director General of DIKTIRISTEK No. 4 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Face-to-Face Learning for the 2021/2022 Academic Year and the Chancellor's Circular Letter No. 3 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Face-to-Face Learning in the Lambung Mangkurat University Environment and based on the minutes of the leadership meeting which was attended by the leadership of FT ULM and the Coordinator Study Program on October 6 2021, the following matters will be conveyed (attached).
1. Face-to-face (PTM) and hybrid learning at FT starting Monday, October 25, 2021.
2. PTM and hybrid implemented with the following conditions:
a. The teaching lecturer is in good health and has received at least one vaccination.
The schedule of courses that implement PTM:
b. PTM is specifically for the classes of 2020 and 2021 provided they are in good health and have received at least one vaccination and received approval from their parents. The list of students who have met the PTM requirements:
c. The number of students participating in PTM is less than or equal to 25 people.
d. There are 25 lecture chairs per room (1 m distance between chairs).
e. During PTM, lecturers and students are required to comply with health protocols (5M).
f. Learning Media hybrid prepared by the Faculty (except laptops).
g. The determination of students who will attend face-to-face classes each week is determined by the lecturer.
3. Lectures for the 2015-2019 Class will continue to be held online (full on line). As for
Learning in the Even Semester 2021/2022 for all classes will be carried out in full offline.
4. The online/hybrid learning process uses Google Meet accounts for each lecturer or academic account, and material is presented via LMS (iE ULM or Classroom).
5. PTM attendance is provided by FT Academics to be filled in during lectures.
6. If there are things that are unclear, you can ask via the Ask FT service.
Thus conveyed, thank you for your attention.
If there are things that are unclear, you can ask via the Ask FT service via
Thus conveyed, thank you for your attention.