Banjarbaru, 29 July 2024 – ULM Faculty of Engineering, Environmental Engineering Study Program continues to strive to be committed to realizing the concept green campus through various activities including service research by study program lecturers related to waste management and activities involving student organizations (ormawa). Among the student organization empowerment programs is the development of the Ratik Waste Bank Community to help improve campus waste management.

Latest Research

Implementation green campus through superior research being carried out by Environmental Engineering lecturers at the ULM Faculty of Engineering. Regarding waste utilization, including using biochar from empty palm oil bunches for processing sasirangan waste water. This research aims to analyze the characteristics of biochar made from Galam wood and analyze the values of BOD, COD, TSS and Ammonia content in Sasirangan wastewater after carrying out the adsorption process using a biochar adsorbent made from Galam wood.

The benefit of this research is the enrichment of adsorption theory using galam wood waste as a natural adsorbent in treating waste water. This research can be used as an initial basis for determining the potential of galam wood-based biochar as an adsorbent.

Other research also plays an important role in supporting it green campus has been written into a journal with the title Pilot Project Innovation of Combining a Composter with a Chopper (Counter Composter Tong) for Processing Household Organic Waste and Innovation in the Development of a Regional Scale Organic Waste Counting Composter Tong (Tongposcah).

Service Program

Implementation green campus next is community service funded by LPPM through DIPA ULM. One of them is through a program carried out at TPS 3R Sekumpul in Banjar Regency. Starting from sorting potential organic waste into compost material. Although there are still management problems, especially in the institutional aspect and the processing of organic waste entering TPS3R has not been maximized.

In 2022, 3 barrels of organic waste composters were handed over to process household organic waste entering TPS3R. This activity involves the participation of managers. Program implementation methods include planning and preparation, implementation of making composter bins, explanation of the use of composter bins, procedures for making compost, evaluation of compost products, and program evaluation.

In 2024, the Environmental Engineering Study Program will again receive service funding from the LPPM with the title of the Green Open Space Environmental Conservation Movement program through the Socialization of Waste Sorting and the Establishment of a Waste Bank in Bangkal Banjarbaru Subdistrict and Technical Guidance on Evaluation of the Performance of Artificial Wetland Systems in Processing Sasirangan Liquid Waste.

Waste Saving Activities at the Waste Bank in the Environmental Engineering Study Program

Realization green campuAnother s at FT ULM is the Ratik Waste Bank Community which is a business entity belonging to the Environmental Engineering Student Association (Hima TL) through a waste exchange service in the form of plastic, paper, cardboard and used cooking oil which can be exchanged for money in the form of a savings balance that can be cashed out.

Ratik Waste Bank Community  It is not just a place to exchange waste for economic value but also aims to increase awareness, especially students, in managing and sorting the waste produced. The savings flow of the Ratik Community Waste Bank includes:

  • Bring personal data to ETP according to the Waste Bank operational schedule
  • Customers will be given a Savings Book to record transaction history
  • Customer membership is free and free of charge

In the last 6 months of 2024, with approximately 200 active customers, the total waste received is:

  • Paper: 630 KG
  • ⁠Books: 405 KG
  • ⁠Cardboard: 390 KG
  • ⁠Plastic Bottle: 50 KG
  • ⁠Used Cooking Oil: 123 L

Information about waste prices and operations of the Ratik Community Waste Bank is on Instagram @ratik_community

Positive impact

It is hoped that research activities, community service and student organization activities carried out by Environmental Engineering lecturers and students can have an impact on commitment green campus both on campus and in the general public. Of course, increasing awareness from various parties about the importance of protecting the environment for the lives of today and the next generation is the main point that must be achieved in every activity. So that it is not just an activity that is carried out at that time but is an ongoing activity for support efforts green campus.

Author: Dr. Rizqi Puteri Mahyudin, S.Sc., MS

Coordinator of the Environmental Engineering Study Program, FT ULM

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