Banjarbaru, 25 July 2024 – The ULM Faculty of Engineering, especially the Mechanical Engineering study program, continues to be committed to supporting the movement Green Campus through various research and dedication that focuses on sustainability and environmental friendliness.

Latest Research

One of the superior research being carried out by ULM Mechanical Engineering lecturers is regarding Upgrading Bio-Oil from Co-Pyrolysis of Non-Biomass Waste into Environmentally Friendly Liquid Fuel. This research aims to utilize food waste by mixing plastic waste as raw material for the production of environmentally friendly fuel through the co-pyrolysis process. The results of this research can become basic knowledge in the processing of biomass and non-biomass to be converted into alternative fuels which can later be used as fuel substitutes. gasoline which can be applied to motor vehicle engines

Other research which also plays an important role in supporting the Green Campus has been written into a reference book including the title Renewable Energy Fuel (EBT) Briquettes and Wood Pellets and a book entitled New Renewable Energy Sources and Conversion Technologies.

Service Program

On the community service side, ULM Mechanical Engineering lecturers are active in programs that support the environment. One of which is Application of Cooled Solar Panel Technology water spray to support the community's awareness of renewable energy in the North Loktabat Village, Banjarbaru City. This program includes education about solar panels which can be applied in households and small industries.

Apart from that, lecturers and students are also involved Project for Making Biomass-Based Briquette and Wood Pellet Stoves, as well as Waste Processing and Utilization as Alternative Energy Raw Materials, This project involves organic waste processing technology and energy utilization from biomass raw materials.

Positive impact

These initiatives not only have a positive impact on the campus environment but also provide education and inspiration for students and the wider community. "We believe that as academics, our responsibility lies not only in teaching and research but also in making a real contribution to environmental sustainability," said Prof. Abdul Ghofur, one of the Mechanical Engineering lecturers involved in the Green Campus program.

With these various efforts, ULM Mechanical Engineering hopes to be an example for other educational institutions in integrating environmentally friendly principles in academic activities and community service.


Author: Ir. Herry Irawansyah, ST, M.Eng

Coordinator of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, FT ULM

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