On Saturday 13 July 2024 at the Q Ballroom of the Grand Qin Hotel Banjarbaru a National Seminar took place to commemorate Environment Day 2024. The National Seminar was initiated by PT. Borneo Indo Bara was held in collaboration with the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Engineering (BEM-FT), and was fully supported by Lambung Mangkurat University, especially the Faculty of Engineering. The activity was officially opened by Mr. Dr. Ir. Yusuf Aziz, M.Sc., as Deputy Chancellor for Cooperation, Public Relations and Information Systems. and attended by Prof. Dr. Ir. Iphan F Radam, ST, MT, IPU, AER, who is the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Prof. Dr. Ir. Abdul Ghofur, ST, MT, IPM, AER who is currently carrying out his mandate as Deputy Dean of FT for Student and Alumni Affairs.

The National Seminar with the theme "Post-mining Land Restoration by Understanding the Vital Role of Regulation, Technology and Innovation in Implementing the Drought Resilience Strategy" presented 3 speakers, namely: Mrs. Dra. CH. NettyWidayati, MT (Secretary of the Directorate General of Environmental Pollution and Damage Control – Ministry of Environment and Forestry), Mr. Yudha HES, ST, M.Ling. (Environment and Rehabilitation Manager PT. Borneo Indobara) and Mr. Ir. Nurhakim, ST, MT, IPM, AER, Lecturer in the Mining Engineering Study Program, FT ULM.

In their presentations, the three speakers presented various regulations, technology and innovations in the field of post-mining land management viewed from various aspects. The first speaker emphasized various regulations and best practices for several companies in land management and introduced artificial wetlands. Meanwhile, the second discussion explained the experiences and innovations carried out by PT. Borneo Indobara with a very interesting presentation. Meanwhile, the third speaker emphasized the importance of competency aspects and understanding of Good Mining Practices in relation to environmental aspects and disaster mitigation.

The explanation of the importance of HR competency, environmental aspects and disaster mitigation efforts by the third speaker, who is currently entrusted with additional duties as Deputy Dean of FT ULM for Finance and General Affairs, certainly cannot be separated from the efforts of the Faculty of Engineering, Lambung Mangkurat University to become a superior faculty based on the 7 basic principles that packaged in the FT ITU COOL work culture (Informative, Focused, Excellent, Creative, Educative, Religious and Religious).