On February 29 2016, an Open Senate Meeting of the Faculty of Engineering, Lambung Mangkurat University took place in the context of the Release of Postgraduate and Undergraduate Faculty of Engineering. In this event, which was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, 94 Bachelor of Engineering (ST) and 32 Bachelor of Architecture (S.Ars.) graduates and 16 Masters of Engineering (MT) were released. Simultaneously with the activities carried out in the Ballroom Q Dafam Hotel Syariah Banjarbaru, Purna Bakti awards were also handed over to 3 lecturers who were entering retirement age, namely Mr. Ir. Elkanady IM Adil, MT, Mr. Ir. Bambang Daryanto, MT, and Mr. Ir. Syaiful Bahri, MT.

On this occasion, the title of best graduate was achieved by Khairullah, ST who completed his studies at the Mechanical Engineering Study Program with a GPA of 3.79 and a study period of 3.5 years. Apart from that, award certificates were also handed over to several students who excelled in various competitions, including the Energy Efficient Car Competition, CERCO, etc. At the local level, awards were also given to the winners of the FT UNLAM Student Center Mural Competition.