Research related to regional development problems is one of the concerns and concentrations of higher education institutions, especially the ULM Faculty of Engineering. The solution results become a generator and embodiment of academic contributions in every phase of the city's growth and development. One of the efforts in the field of research and community service, Wednesday 20 February 2019, was the initial presentation of the Lanting House Sustainability Study in Banjarmasin.

The basis for this activity began with a letter of appointment from Barenlitbangda Banjarmasin City to the Lecturer Team from the ULM Faculty of Engineering, especially the Expertise Group on River Bank Settlements and Vernacular Architecture. This activity was opened by the Head of the Banjarmasin City Research and Development Agency and the Head of the Banjarmasin City Research and Development Division with an emphasis on strengthening the research field by involving academic elements in city problems and the hope that the results of this study can become the basis for the sustainable development of lanting houses in Banjarmasin.

With a comprehensive Terms of Reference, this study is also expected to provide solutions to the basic aspects of lanting houses, both from historical aspects, spatial hierarchy, physical aspects of the building and the surrounding environment, as well as non-physical aspects related to the background of the occupants, land legalization and other related aspects. The urgency of this research will also analyze the theoretical framework and patterns of tourist destinations regarding the function and sustainability of lanting houses in the future as well as design directions and recommendations that will increase the value of the area and support the potential of Banjarmasin City as a river city.

The research team consists of Dr. Bani Noor Muchamad, ST., MT, Dr. Ira Mentayani, Dr. Irwan Yudha Hadinata, Naimatul Aufa, ST., M.Sc., Mohammad Ibnu Saud, ST., M.Sc., Prima Widia Wastuty, ST., MT, and JC Heldiansyah, ST., M.Sc assisted by study program students ULM FT Architecture.

This activity was successful in gathering a lot of input related to research substance, research methods and input in terms of applicable laws and regulations. There were quite a lot of pre-expose participants who provided constructive input, including from the South Kalimantan Province Balitbangda team, the Environmental Service, the Perkim and PUPR Service, the Banjarmasin PKP Working Group and what was very interesting was also input and attendance from NGOs and the Daun Hijau community, FKH , Melingai, and representatives from Srikandi Sungai Indonesia.