The strategic plan

Performance Agreement

Performance Report

VMTS & Achievement Strategy

As one of the faculties within Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), the Faculty of Engineering (FT) has the mandate to support the achievement of the ULM 2020-2024 vision in particular and the Ministry of Education and Culture's 2020-2024 vision in general. In the Ministry of Education and Culture's 2020-2024 Strategic Plan, it is stated that the Ministry of Education and Culture's Vision is:

"The Ministry of Education and Culture supports the President's Vision and Mission to create an Advanced Indonesia that is sovereign, independent, and has personality through the creation of Pancasila Students who reason critically, creatively, independently, have faith, are devoted to God Almighty, and have noble character, work together, and have global diversity. ”.

As for the 2020-2024 ULM Strategic Plan, it is stated that the ULM Vision is:

"The realization of ULM as a leading and competitive university in the field of wetland environment".

Furthermore, to support the achievement of the ULM Vision 2020-2024, the FT Vision 2020-2024 has been established as:

FT Vision 2020-2024

To become a leading and highly competitive faculty manipulation And its implementation in the field of wetland environments.

From the description of FT's vision above, the emphasis is:

(1) Engineering​, namely the ability to develop science and technology which includes efforts to find problems and find solutions to existing problems in the wetland environment through the process of scientific analysis. Engineering here is a form of science, whether in the form of concepts, models, prototypes, or other forms. The emphasis in the 2020-2024 Engineering Faculty Strategic Plan is appropriate and related to aspects of relevance and productivity which are the targets of phase II of the ULM RIP.

(2) Implementation​, namely the ability to implement existing engineering in everyday life, especially to help the community and government in dealing with problems that arise, especially in the wetland environment. The emphasis on implementation here is also very closely related to the relevance and productivity aspects that are the targets of phase II of the ULM RIP.

To support the achievement of the ULM Vision, the FT Mission has been prepared as follows:

FT Mission 2020-2024

(1) Realizing the provision of quality education that is relevant to the demands of development needs that focus on superior wetland environmental programs.

(2) Realizing strong and characterized faculty governance based on the principles of service, fairness and good practice, through improving human resources and infrastructure.

(3) Carrying out research and community service to support teaching and development of Science and Technology.

(4) Organizing collaboration with alumni, universities, government, the business world, and other stakeholders.


Implementing the mission and achieving the vision requires the application of appropriate and supportive values. Values are the basis and direction for the attitudes and behavior of all FT members in carrying out their duties. The values prioritized in the 2020-2024 FT Strategic Plan are as follows:

(1) Enterprising​. The value of being active means being enthusiastic in your actions and efforts to provide the best results. Indicators of enterprising value are:

  • Never give up
  • Always have a desire to learn, especially about new or necessary things.
  • Have a sense of responsibility for the tasks given.

(2) Efficient​. Efficient value means achieving a certain output with the lowest input or lowest input with maximum output. Indicators of efficient value are:

  • Able to complete work according to existing time targets
  • Able to provide work results above targets
  • Able to utilize all available resources as fully as possible
  • Economical in using resources according to needs
  • Appreciate time

(3) Polite​. The value of politeness has the meaning of subtlety and good manners in language and behavior; patient and calm; or polite; full of compassion; helpful. Indicators of polite values ​​are:

  • Neat appearance
  • Want to listen and pay attention to the person you are talking to
  • Able to control emotions
  • Always willing to provide assistance as far as it goes for good
  • Have concern for others

(4) Innovative​. Innovative value means having creative power, the ability to create new things that are different from existing or existing ones
previously known. This new thing can be an idea, method, or tool. Indicators of innovative value are:

  • Have a varied mindset, perspective and approach to every problem, and be able to produce new work:
  • Always make periodic and continuous improvements and improvements:
  • Be open to receiving new, constructive ideas;
  • Dare to take breakthroughs and solutions in solving problems;
  • Utilize information and communication technology to work effectively and efficiently;
  • Not quickly satisfied with the results achieved;
  • Not being closed to development ideas; And
  • Not monotonous

(5) Skilled​. Skilled value means being able to complete tasks; capable and deft. Indicators of skilled value are:

  • Be thorough in work.
  • Able to complete every job to completion.
  • Master the job well and always train your skills.
  • Able to improve work results over time.

Goals are set to describe the measures for implementing the mission and achieving the vision. Based on this, the FT set four objectives, namely:


(1) Development of higher education that is fair, equitable, quality and relevant to the demands of development needs that focus on excellence in the field of wetland environments, especially engineering and its application in society;

(2) Strengthening governance based on good governance: effective, efficient, transparent, accountable, free from corruption, serving, along with strengthening the quality of human resources and supporting infrastructure;

(3) Development of science and technology through research activities and community service;

(4) Strengthening cooperation with various domestic and foreign universities, central and regional governments, the business and industrial world, as well as other stakeholders at the national and international levels.

In order to measure the level of achievement of the FT goals that have been set, a number of strategic targets (SS) are needed which will be achieved by 2024.

Strategic target

(1) The target to be achieved in relation to the first objective is SS-1​: Increasing the quality of graduates, especially graduates who excel in engineering in the wetland environment, and its application in society​. (2) The target to be achieved in relation to the second objective is SS-2: Increasing service quality and public satisfaction with educational services. (3) The target to be achieved in relation to the third goal is SS-3: Increasing scientific work and the role of the community in the development of science and technology. (4) The target to be achieved in relation to the fourth objective is SS-4​: Strengthening cooperation with various domestic and foreign universities, central and regional governments, business and industry, as well as other stakeholders at the national and international levels.

Policy Direction and Strategy

As one of the faculties within Lambung Mangkurat University, FT policies cannot be separated from the policies of the Ministry of Education and Culture and also the established policies of Lambung Mangkurat University. FT is an academic implementing element that is under and
is responsible to the Chancellor and has the task of coordinating and organizing academic and professional education in one field of Science and Technology. In carrying out its duties, FT carries out the following functions:

1. implementation and development of education within the Faculty;
2. carrying out research for the development of Science and Technology;
3. implementation of community service;
4. implementation of development for the academic community;
5. implementation of administrative affairs.

However, in line with changes in higher education policies and also very rapid bureaucratic reform policies, FT must determine a strategy that is able to lead FT to face the problems it is facing as well as future challenges. For this reason, FT's strategy to achieve existing strategic targets is as follows:

1. Improving the academic atmosphere that can encourage the birth of innovative products.
2. Updating work systems and mechanisms in the FT environment based on advances in information technology
3. Providing opportunities and infrastructure that support students to obtain the various competencies needed.
4. Integrate collaboration with research and service activities.

Apart from that, regarding ULM's plan to become a BLU PPK Satker, FT must also start preparing programs that can be developed when ULM has been approved as a PPK-BLU Satker. All policies and strategies prepared need to be supported by integrated human resources and information and communication technology. For this reason, FT makes ICT the backbone (backbone) to carry out all existing functions.

Strategic Plan Document

Performance Agreement

Performance Report

Faculty of Engineering Performance Report 2021