Serah Terima Jabatan Koordiantor & Sekretaris Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi Insinyur ULM Periode 2023 -2027.Thursday, November 23 2023, at the Leadership Meeting Room of the ULM Faculty of Engineering, 2nd Floor, Banjarbaru, the Handover of the Position of Coordinator & Secretary of the ULM Professional Engineer Education Study Program for the 2023-2027 Period was carried out.
The leadership and academic community of FT ULM would like to express their infinite gratitude to Prof. Dr. Chairul Irawan, ST, MT and Dr.Eng. Maya Amalia, ST, M.Eng. for his service and dedication as Coordinator & Secretary of the ULM Professional Engineer Education Study Program for the 2019-2023 period and congratulations on carrying out his duties to Ir. Ida Barkiah, MT and Dr. M. Afief Ma'ruf, ST, MT as Coordinator & Secretary of the ULM Professional Engineer Education Study Program for the 2023 -2027 period.