Lab Test Request Letter


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This form is used to submit a Laboratory Test Request Letter for the Final Assignment of FT ULM Students through the FT ULM Academic Subdivision.
1) Prepare a file of proof of filling in the FT ULM Student Questionnaire for the current semester period before filling in this Submission Form. If you haven't filled out the FT ULM Student Questionnaire, please fill it in via: (select the "Student Questionnaire" menu) or via:
2) Please fill in according to the example so that there are no editorial errors in the printed letter.
Example of the results of the MK/KP/TA Data Request Letter process:
3) If the number of students submitting more than 2 people and/or the number of types of data requested is more than 5, please prepare a *PDF file attached to the letter in the format:
4) To check the processing status of the letter you submitted, click:

*) click the icon above to access the form. 

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